Duke Student Health & Wellness Center
RevealShield SA Self-Adhered
RevealShield SA Self-Adhered (black) was installed on the Student Health and Wellness Center at Duke University.
RevealShield SA Self-Adhered was applied over Dow Thermax™ and metal studs and behind Terreal™ Terracotta Panels. RevealShield SA Self-Adhered offers exceptional drying capacity and UV stability making it the perfect WRB/Air Barrier choice behind the open joint cladding.
RevealShield SA Self-Adhered does not require substrate preparation, tapes or primers, reducing labor costs by at least 20%. In addition, common hand tools are used for installation, eliminating the need for expensive equipment and additional mobilizations.
The Health & Wellness Center project consists of the ground-up construction of a 3-story, 72,500 sq.ft. building, which also includes a pharmacy building. The new Health & Wellness Center will consolidate the existing health services under one roof and will serve both graduate and undergraduate students’ health needs. The new Health & Wellness Center is a LEED silver project design.
RevealShield SA Self-Adhered does not require substrate preparation, tapes or primers, reducing labor costs by at least 20%.