Private Residence #8
Wrapshield RS Rain Screen
WrapShield RS Rain Screen offers an all-in-one weather resistive barrier, air barrier and 7mm rain screen drainage matrix, helping to dry out cemetious stucco and stone veneers.
This private residence on the St. Johns river, just a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean, used over 7,000 sq. ft. of WrapShield RS Rain Screen 7mm Water Resistive Vapor Permeable Air Barrier Membrane with built-in rain screen drainage matrix and 9,500 sq.ft. of VaproMat 7mm Drainage Matrix behind the stucco and stone veneer façade.
WrapShield RS Rain Screen and VaproMat were installed on multiple substrates, plywood and ICF. The two products will help to reduce the incidence of moisture related damage and dry out the cementitious stucco/stone by creating an air space and drainage plane behind the stucco/stone veneers.
The installer was reluctant to use traditional WRB because of high failure rates and liquid-applied WRB would have been impractical with the high amount of airborne contaminants always present around water.
WrapShieldRS Rain Screen was installed over multiple substrates including plywood and ICF (Insulating concrete form) and behind stucco and stone cladding.